I love being pregnant!
Hello my loved ones!
This Christmas was very stirring for me as I was unable to go home to Utah for Christmas. I wasn’t able to see all of my brothers and sisters, or even all of Thad’s family. We did get to go to Minnesota to Thad’s house, but due to the snow, there was limited time with family. I thought, how can I tell everyone how much I love them, and hear about their lives? How can I help them to stay in touch with us and to know how we are doing as well? How do we keep family and friends ties close if we never get to communicate?
My cute family and friends are so good at blogging, that is one way. Newletters, emails, letters, calls, cards, skype, etc. are all great ways. Facebook and all those electronic ways have been difficult for me as I have found that my only time to do that is at work, and I just feel I shouldn’t. So the solution for me is to do something! Once a month, do something. It may be a blog. It may be a letter. It may be an email, or a phone call. But I want to do my part to tell all of you that I am thinking about you and that you mean so much to me. So this month…it’s a blog!
My message this month, (you know me, I have to have a message… ) is to cherish the mundane every day moments.
I have been trying to prepare to become a mother and I was listening to a book on contentment my mom gave me for Christmas as I drive to and from work. And it has just reminded me that most of our lives are filled with mundane, every day duties. And we should not take those for granted. But rather we should take time to look at each other, eye to eye, tell each other we love each other, hear about the day, touch each other and enjoy the time we are allotted here in this life. We can get busy and forget to really look at each other and enjoy the cleaning of the house, the cooking and eating dinner, the working and making people better. But if we cherish those moments, we will find our lives filled with joy and satisfaction. I really know that mothers sacrifice a lot for their families, and they must search to find contentment with the roles we have to serve and make home a safe haven!
It's the greatest time to have a belly! Especially in the winters of South Dakota! Peter keeps me warm!
Speaking of Warm...Thad makes we wear all this gear so I don't cry in the below freezing weather! I'm so thankful for him!
This is my cute Thad out snow blowing his parent's drive way. We got 16 inches on Christmas! He had a ball out working with his dad!When he was in high school he didn't have the snow blower! He got to do it all by hand! He loves playing out there now!!
We're getting prepared! We've got the crib and the changing table, and cute blankets and toys. Much Thanks to our Moms and Grandmas!